Fence Follies - session 3
We begin again… Wednesday 30 th July 1984, Sarge sat on the porch listening to his police band scanner, not technically illegal he told himself and God knows how these local cops need help. Besides, there was little else to do, sleep still bought the chance of ‘the dreams’, hot oppressive jungle, fading light, Charlie appearing out the ground, explosions, screams oh the screams and looking down to see his arm hanging by a few sinews. No, sleep was out the question until he passed out at night, normally with the aid of Mr. Daniels. No he wasn’t doing anything illegal, helping the police was the way to fill the void, to get that adrenalin rush of action, no one really understood… 16:10 All units we have a 10-50 PI at Meadow’s Academy, 10-52 16:15 K-11 10-23 16:30 All units we have a possible 10-10 Meadow’s Academy 16:30 P-1 10-60. 10-23 eta 3 minutes. 16:40. P-1 10-23 possible 10-32 16...